I've know a few midwives who have spent time at the
Holy Family Birth Center in Texas. From what I've heard it's a pretty amazing but grueling experience. Someday, I would love to have the opportunity to spend some time with these midwives, mothers and babies.
Weslaco, Texas is located on the boarder of Mexico and Texas and serves a large population of undocumented immigrants. This is their mission statement:
The mission of the service is to provide maternal and infant care within the context of the family. Services shall be rendered in a God-centered atmosphere of compassion. Every individual, as God's creation, has the right to safe, satisfying health care with respect for human dignity and cultural variations. The individual has the right to self-determination, to adequate information, and to achieve participation in all aspects of care.A friend recently passed on to me a wonderful photo essay by S. Smith Patrick of this birthing community. Please take a look at these
photos and
read about more about the Holy Family Birth Center.