Friday, October 3, 2008

Round up

I've been a bit negligent with this feature-- but there is so much smart thinking and passion out there it would be a shame not to share.

Maternal Mortality in Africa: What leads the women of our continent to their graves during pregnancy and childbirth? As I describe below, the reasons fall into six categories: nutrition, education, high fertility, female genital mutilation, improper care at delivery and inadequate health facilities.
-from RHreality check

Empowering Birth Blog
talks about
Cesareans and Oxytocin: What is the cumulative effect of cesarean birth followed by placing newborns in strollers and separate bedrooms coupled with short maternity leave?
Also, a lovely food list for how to build a Strong Amniotic Sac

introduces me to a new birth video: Birth into Being

The Business of Being Born has a post about a CNN video on Stress and Pregnancy and a post about how you can be a childbirth activist

Better Birth posts this quote from a physician-ugh!!

A C-Section Photo Essay from Fit Prenancy: If you, too, end up having a Cesarean section—and chances are you might, considering that more than 1 in 3 babies in the U.S. are now born this way—a little preparation and knowledge can go a long way toward demystifying the process and helping you feel more comfortable.

'NYC Unrated and Unfiltered talks about the NARAL campaign "How Much Time Should She DO?"

Since I'm catching up (there are LOTS and LOTS of amazing birth and advocacy related posts and news stories), I thought I'd let you digest these and I'll be back tomorrow with another long list.


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